Safety Program Auditing Training (SPAT)

According to Philippines R.A. 11058, 2018 Section 12; “Covered workplaces shall have a Safety and Health Program”. Auditing is a systematic assessment to collect information regarding the efficiency, effectiveness and reliability of a company’s management system. Audits are routinely conducted to ensure a company or organization is in compliance with the management laws. This training course will be your guide on how to conduct a proper safety program auditing. The training will also discuss the basic Occupational health and safety programs for the participants to be able to create or advise a company or organization’s total health and safety management system. The safety programs can help the participants to plan or identify corrective actions that should be done

Five (5) Days Training & Examination

The following program is planned for this course. However, the course instructor(s) may modify this program before or during the course for technical reasons with no prior notice to participants. Nevertheless, the course objectives will always be met:

· OSH Policy and management commitment to comply with OSH regulations
· Workers Participation, roles and responsibilities
· Promoting and communicating OHS; training, competency and toolbox meetings
· OHS program documented information
· OHS program planning and implementation
· OHS Hazard Analysis and Risk Assessment.
· General occupational health provisions including drug free workplace, HIV and Hepatitis prevention and dust control.
· Provision of welfare facilities and safe working place
· Emergency preparedness and planning
· Procurement and contracting
· Management of change
· General prevention and controls including PPE, safety signage, good housekeeping, waste management.
· Disciplinary actions for violations.
· Checking and evaluating the OHS Program
· Incidents investigation, reporting and recording
· Monitoring Safety performance and data
· Difference between auditing and inspecting
· Auditing OSH Program

Course Assessment

The course shall be assessed by a closed book multiple choice exam

COURSE FEE (VAT Inclusive)
5,900 PHP

Upcoming Events

Couse DateCourse TitleNo of DaysHours
May 15 to 19, 2023SPAT – 40hrs ADVANCED COURSE for SO338am to 5pm
July 24 to 28, 2023SPAT –  40hrs ADVANCED COURSE for SO328am to 3pm

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